Land Use Intervention Library

Land Use Intervention Library is part of an ongoing project about land use, climate change, and self-determination. 

The project follows Last Street End, a series of facilitated, public encounters conducted in 2021 in Gowanus, Brooklyn involving ecology and municipal planning investigations, media making, and performance art. Material produced by participants and collaborators during each of the Last Street End encounters are integrated into the Land Use Intervention Library, whose boundaries and form are unstable. The library exist(s)ed temporarily as two installations and public performances accompanied by a live, musical score on October 29, 2022 in Gowanus, Brooklyn. The performances were conducted sequentially on the same day on 2 street ends on the border of the Gowanus canal, an EPA superfund site. The performances were filmed by a videographer and will become a film. Both performance sites are in a FEMA A flood zone and are in the process of redeveloped into luxury housing and a municipal sewage tank (respectively) after the passage of a 2021 municipal neighborhood rezoning plan.

The Land Use Intervention Library also exists permanently as a handmade limited edition book-arts catalog, a collection of ephemera, and, eventually, an edited film. 

Participants including performers and audience members who engage with the Land Use Intervention Library in its iteration as a performance are incorporated into the Land Use Intervention Library film. In 2023 the Land Use Intervention Library film will be screened for a public audience in collaboration with Interference Archive after the already altered street ends where it was performed are further transformed. 

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